Finland’s leading chain of veterinary clinics created

A group of private veterinary clinics together with the Finnish private equity firm Intera Partners, have established Animagi, the country’s largest chain of veterinary clinics.

The formation of the chain creates the largest veterinary business in Finland with 13 clinics in 8 regions and more than 160 employees of whom over 60 are veterinary surgeons. Animagi plans to expand its business considerably by both investing in its existing clinics as well as acquiring new clinics.

– The veterinary service market in Finland has been highly fragmented. By creating a nationwide chain we are better positioned to offer a comprehensive range of services in a manner that is truly caring for the patient as well as the customer, says Martti Kiuru, Chairman of the Board at Animagi.

Most of the group’s shareholders are veterinary surgeons. The role of Finnish private equity firm Intera Partners is to ensure adequate resources for execution of Animagi’s growth strategy.

– Small veterinary businesses have grown and maintained their profitability even in weak economic periods. We believe, however, that development of veterinary services will require consolidation into larger entities with stronger resources, says Jokke Paananen at Intera Partners.

The first clinics which make up Animagi are: Akuutti (Oulu), Fokus (Lappeenranta), HauMau (Helsinki), Kannelmäen Eläinlääkärit (Helsinki), Kauris (Kerava), Keski-Suomen Eläinklinikka (Jyväskylä), Oulun Hevosklinikka (Oulu), Robans Vet (Helsinki), Salon Eläinlääkärikeskus (Salo), Tawastvet (Hämeenlinna), Tikki (Helsinki), Veter (Tampere) and VuoVet (Helsinki).

More information:
Martti Kiuru, Animagi, Chairman of the Board, +358 40 581 1545,
Jokke Paananen, Intera Partners, Partner, +358 50 300 3737,

Animagi is Finland’s largest chain of veterinary service providers with annual revenues of over EUR 13 million. The company has 13 clinics in 8 regions and more than 160 employees of whom over 60 are veterinary surgeons.