Intera has sold its shares in Kamux Corporation

Intera Fund II L.P. (“Intera”) has today, on 9 September 2020, sold its shares in Kamux Corporation (”Kamux” or the ”Company”) in an accelerated book-building to a limited number of Finnish and international institutional investors (the ”Share Sale”). Intera sold a total of 5,648,596 shares, representing approximately 14.1 per cent of all the shares and votes in the Company. The purchase price in the Share Sale was set at EUR 8.90 per share and the gross sales proceeds amounted to approximately EUR 50.3 million. After the Share Sale, Intera does not own shares in the Company.

”Kamux is an excellent company and a unique growth story. We are delighted that the Company has now a large group of high-quality Finnish and international shareholders. This transaction concludes our ownership period of ca. 9 years”, comments Partner Juhana Kallio from Intera Partners.

Kamux shares were listed in 2017. The total return of the share since IPO based on yesterday’s closing price was 40 per cent. During Intera’s ownership from 2011 Kamux sales increased from ca. €70 million to ca. €700 million. The Company expanded first to Sweden and later to Germany. The founder of the Company, Juha Kalliokoski, has acted as the CEO of the Company from its foundation.

”Kamux has a very strong culture crafted by its management and the whole team. This has enabled the creation of a strong bond between Intera, the Company and its shareholders. Kamux has a strong team and a winning concept for international markets”, says Intera Partners CEO Jokke Paananen, who has been responsible for Kamux investment since 2011.

”We strongly believe that the successful growth story of Kamux continues”, says Kallio.

Danske Bank A/S, Finland Branch and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) Helsinki Branch acted as the Joint Bookrunners in the Share Sale.

Press release 9.9.2020