Kati Reinikainen

Investment professional
Joined Intera 2022
Work experience McKinsey & Company
Education M.Sc. (eng.) from Aalto University
Current investments HögforsGST

I re-joined Intera’s team in April 2022 after first working as an intern for six months in the spring of 2019. During the internship I really enjoyed the ambitious yet relaxed culture at Intera – everyone is working towards the shared goals and there is a low threshold for sparring ideas among the team. In addition, I think working at Intera is a great opportunity for me to develop further professionally as part of an experienced team of investment professionals.

Before re-joining Intera, I spent one and a half years working in management consulting at McKinsey & Company mainly focusing on the private equity sector and transaction projects. At Intera I’m most inspired by identifying new success stories and building growth together with the entrepreneurs.